Friday, November 6, 2009

Addressing an issue

A few days ago an anonymous comment was left on my blog that I would like to address...
I appreciate those who take the time to read my blog and I welcome your comments. I also welcome criticism (constructive criticism please, and thank you :) However, I don't appreciate it left as a comment for everyone to see. I have put my email and phone number on here for a reason. Any problems, criticisms and questions will be addressed there. To leave a critical comment on any blog is TACKY and CLASS-LESS. Also, to preface a comment with "not to be mean or rude" does NOT dismiss the fact that it was mean and rude.

If anonymous would like to call or email me to let me know which dresses needed to be fixed I would be happy to do so.

Thanks for listening to me vent!



Maybe sour grapes, or fear of a little competition???? Maybe just a VERY unhappy person who wants to share the misery??

Morris Family Of Four
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Not that this will make you feel any better (ha ha but maybe it will) but I think we all have that from time to time.

I don't understand why people feel the need to criticize. If they don't like it they shouldn't read it.

And if someone is bold enough to leave a comment they should be bold enough to put their name on it.

I've dealt with this too unfortunately. Try not to listen to them. You are very talented.